“Solivagant” through the eyes of Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi Rinpoche

Held at the Press Club in Hanoi from November 8 to 24, the photo exhibition “Solivagant” by the Buddhist monk and scholar Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi Rinpoche, organized by Openasia, invites viewers to embark on a journey not guided by maps or compasses, but by vision—a true quest to capture the beautiful moments of existence.

Exhibition space at Press Club

“Solivagant” is the name of the photo exhibition by the Buddhist monk and scholar Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi Rinpoche. Born into a Hindu family in Vaishali, India, Venerable Tenzin entered a Buddhist monastery in Rajgir, near the ancient Nalanda University, at the age of ten. He is currently the Founding President and CEO of the Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and Transformative Values at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), a non-partisan think-and-do tank focused on research and interdisciplinary programs related to human development and global ethics.

Geshe's group and the infinity pool - photo by Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi Rinpoche

Passionate about photography since the age of eleven, Venerable Tenzin has captured precious moments of life during his solitary wanderings over the years. He never intended to display or exhibit his work; he simply documented what he observed and connected with the world around him. Through this exhibition, he hopes viewers can achieve a deeper connection with themselves and spread this connection to those around them.

Connecting with people and nature - photos by Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi Rinpoche

The 32 photos displayed in the exhibition each carry their own stories and messages, inviting viewers to explore themes of solitude, spirituality, and the profound beauty of the natural world. For instance, the photo of a young nomadic girl in a Tibetan village (top right) captures the simple beauty of life. The nomadic tribes live very simply, with few needs. Venerable Tenzin took the photo one clear morning in Tibet while talking with the girl’s uncle, and her innocence and purity made him see the beauty in life.

Although the “Solivagant” photo exhibition by Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi Rinpoche lasted only three weeks, it left a deep impression on art lovers in general and the members of Openasia in particular, highlighting the value of life.

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